How To Get Viral Traffic Fast Through Social Media[2019 Update]

How To Get Viral Traffic Fast Through Social Media[2019 Update]

I’m sure you are excited to skyrocket traffic from social media on your website ….
I know the excitement…
Before reading this article, Let me tell you a secret truth…
Secret Truth– A few years ago, my friend came to me and he shared his problem about not getting a good amount of traffic from social media to his website. Then, I asked how many retweets, clicks do you think you get from social media, he said about only 10-15 clicks and 2-3 retweets. Then, I went to his office and saw his work and I found his article was super in-depth and valuable but still he wasn’t getting good traffic from social media. So, after applying my strategy to his schedule, he started to get tons of clicks, likes and retweets on social media and an instant J-curve in his traffic…..
Good no. of retweets on the post:
How To Get Viral Traffic Fast Through Social Media[2019 Update]
Instant J-curve in his traffic
How To Get Viral Traffic Fast Through Social Media[2019 Update]
And if you want to learn the secret techniques which I used to help my friend to increase the social engagement on posts and an instant J-curve in website traffic.
Then keep reading this post because I have mentioned those techniques here.
So, let’s dive in the exact process which I used to help my friend:

How to Get Website Traffic Through Social Media

Here are the exact steps:

Step 1 –Share Content More Than Once

Sharing content more than once on social media can gear up the traffic.
Some people don’t try sharing content multiple times.
Most of the people don’t know the secrets to get more shares on social media of their content.
Back in days, I use to promote blog content on social media.
And do you know how many people complaint about sharing content multiple times?

ZERO, [Nobody]

The real thing is that nobody looks, cares or notices and if somebody does.
Then nothing is going to happen.
Many people forget that nobody notices everything we do.

You social media followers are not like your subscribers who read every post which you share.
In fact, sharing the content many times is important because you are giving value to your followers.
And if you won’t share multiple times then many of your followers won’t be able to see and read your post.

Step 2 – Develop a Sharing Schedule

To start sharing your content more than once.
You just need to develop an easy & simple schedule which will you guide for how often you want to share content on every social platform.
While making this schedule you will tackle these questions:
How often should I share content on each network?
  • Is there a perfect time of day to share my content?
  • How long my content will be fresh and shareable?
  • How long should I wait before each new social message?
  • What are the different ways I can create variety in my social sharing schedule?
Be careful while planning. You can’t send your messages one after other because this is called “Spam”.
Let’s talk about your social media sharing schedule[it means how often you will share it on social media to gain a huge amount of traffic].
A well-maintained schedule would be like this:
1. On publish- Shared on social media just after publishing.
2. Same day- Initial social share move out to your account over the next 3-4 hours.
3. Next day- Post shared again on suitable social media channels.
4. Next week- 1 more series of post share is pre-scheduled and sent that day.
5. Next month- Now, more shares are pre-scheduled and sent in that week.
6. Next _____- Additional shares can be scheduled for the 3 months or beyond.
Once, you prepare a good schedule for each social media then make a table and point out when you will share your content on which day and on which social media platform.
How To Get Viral Traffic Fast Through Social Media[2019 Update]
In this picture, you can see that I share my content on Twitter>Facebook>Google+>Tumblr.
I have made a schedule for sharing my content on social media because of the schedule my website gets a huge amount of traffic.

You might think differently, so you can make schedule according to you.

Step 3 – Never Try To Share the Same Message Twice

Now, this is the most important step which will make you different from other people[spamers].
Most of us, when we share our blog post on social media we use the link of the post, title and some hashtags.
This is OK for the first time…
But it will be tedious for your followers if you are not careful.
I will tell you an awesome strategy to share your content on social media more than once and your followers won’t feel boring.
When you share blog post more than once then you should add some variety like- by asking a question, poll quotes from the post.
Here is a good example of it:
How To Get Viral Traffic Fast Through Social Media[2019 Update]
As you saw this example, how I share my content on social media to drive huge traffic. And by using this technique your followers won’t feel irritating and you will get more visitors to your post.
This is an awesome way to create an engagement with your audience through your content and a good way to drive a huge amount of traffic to your website through social media.
I’m giving you some message types you can use when you share your content.
Here are my favourites:
Simple and Easy: Post Title + Link
The Question: Ask an engaging question to excite conversation
Cite a Fact: Share a fact or figure that is in your post
Share a Quote: Take a pull-quote from your article and turn it into a social message
Add Intrigue: Write a short[teaser] message that grabs the attention of your readers
By using this technique you are getting new ideas to try on your followers.
Ex- Does asking question increase reader engagement?
And with doing this you are also getting a way of testing a different type of headlines, use can observe which headline works well for you.

Step 4 – Optimize Your Content for Each Network

As we all know that handling of images and text by every social media channel is different. But how do you use that when creating a message to share?
There 1 way to take profit of strength of each social media channel by adding some variety and value to your posts.
How To Get Viral Traffic Fast Through Social Media[2019 Update]
In Google+, you can write long copy and basic markdown text in every post.

As you are able to see in the above picture they added bullet points and bold text to make some items to stand out and provide extra value to your readers.
There is another good example for you is how Twitter shows images in the below picture.
In Twitter posts which include images are more attractive and noticeable than those without images.
The simple way to get noticed and more clicks…
How To Get Viral Traffic Fast Through Social Media[2019 Update]

Step 5 –Don’t Spam

Once, I met a pro blogger where he told me about some Twitters who were sharing content too much.
And he was right.
Because many users had installed a plugin which shares their old blog post[randomly] once every 2-3 hours.
It was too much!
And seemed like spam.
This strategy will get few more clicks in short term.
I don’t suggest you this practice to do.
If you will share too much.
Then people will start feeling fake and irritating about you and then will ignore you.
And who knows they may “Unfollow” you.
Then, your content readers will start decreasing.
If you share more than once then you must accept a few ground rules:
1. Take your followers into consideration. Your social feed is made for your readers and not for you.
2. Don’t turn into a spammer. Prepare a smart schedule, not a busy one.
3. Consider your own habits. How do you use social media? Don’t cross the spam line.
4. Don’t do anything that you wouldn’t like. How will you react if you saw another user with your strategy? This is a great mark because you probably wouldn’t be the only one who would feel that way.
5. Always provide value. As I said, promoting content more than once actually is a good thing, as long as you are doing it to provide value for your audience.
As you start following these rules, you will be able to make an awesome schedule to share your blog post and will help you to double your social media traffic.
I Will definitely get a massive amount of trafficCLICK TO TWEET

Step 6 –Monitor Results

And 1 more thing to keep in mind that you every time keep checking the results of your sharing posts on social media.
By checking the results you will be aware that are your changes are working or not?
Some things you should check out:
A decrease or an increase in post activity. After making a proper schedule then check is there increase or decrease in post activity? More Retweets? More Clicks?…..
And check your post activity on Google analytics also.
Negative feedback from your audience. This is rare that after seeing your increased activity they comment on it, that’s good.
But there are many people out there who might comment bad, protect yourself from it by checking your metrics are they aggressive or misguided?
A slowly fading interest in your content. There is a big problem of getting fewer clicks is “Busyness” followers ignore the content. You keep an eye on click-throughs to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.
You can do this technique for a long time on social media to increase traffic and if you do it correctly then you will definitely see its results but if you do it in a wrong manner then will be in the line of spammers.
By using these tactics, my friend achieved big success.
And after using these techniques, he got a flood of traffic on his website through social media.
So, use these techniques and you will also get massive traffic from social media.
I hope you liked my techniques used in this post to get social media traffic.
Don’t forget to share it with your friends.
And tell me which technique do you think is going to work for you instantly.


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