
Top 10 Hottest First Ladies in The History of America

They have been are wives to the  most powerful men in the world . They ooze power, charm and charisma every time they appear in public. These ladies run the White House, run charity events, host state dinners but they still make time to look good every time they appear in public with  their powerful husbands . And they do not disappoint. They dress in some of the most elegant of attires. The accessories they don are classy and among the most expensive in the world. In this piece, I will rank the Hottest First Ladies in the history of America. The Hottest First Ladies in U.S. History. 10. Barbara Bush (1989 – 1993) Barbara Bush: USA’ Hottest First Ladies. She was wife to the 41st president of the United States George H. W. Bush. Barbara got married to George Bush Senior while they were still young a few years after they met in college. She claims that she married the only guy she had kissed for the first time. She stands out for the fearless nature in which she defended her famil

10 Futuristic Technologies That Are Revolutionizing Our World

10 Futuristic Technologies That Are Revolutionizing Our World As technology advances, we will begin to see huge changes in how our world operates. While all the technologies on this list are already being applied all over the world, many of them are still in their infancy. We stand on the precipice of a new technological age in human history, and while it may not yet be  The Jetsons , many of these technologies are even more fantastic than anything we could have pred Listverse - Daily Highlights Sponsored by   Connati 10 Transparent Wood Photo credit: Peter Larsson via  KTH Royal Institute of Technology By chemically treating ordinary balsa wood and strengthening it with epoxy, scientists have created a clear, biodegradable material that is 4–6 times stronger than its counterpart that is not chemically treated. Its strength and clarity make it a more environmentally friendly alternative to some plastics. Scientists even think that it could be used to m

10 Cool Headboard Ideas to Improve Your Bedroom Design

Headboards were originally created to keep pillows and bed linens in place. Strictly a functional piece then, a headboard now adds an entirely new element of style to the bedroom. If you feel like your bedroom is lacking, invest in a quality headboard to take your decor to a whole new level. Today in better heated and insulated residences headboards serve chiefly aesthetic and utilitarian functions. They may include storage space for books and personal items, and conveniences such as lights and telephone. Great headboard ideas can completely transform the look and feel of your bedroom. As many of you are probably aware, headboards are available in a variety of sizes and fabrics in market. You can either buy a simple ready-made one to match your bed, or you can improvise and come up with a headboard that takes the originality level in your bedroom sky-high! Don’t have enough room for books? Store them neatly near your bed and crate a knowledgeable headboard. Mirrors, wallpapers,